Orthman 1tRIPr That Works in Narrow Row Systems December 9th, 2010

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Published December 9, 2010 | By admin


For those of you that are desiring to strip-till in 20 and 22 inch row crops, we at Orthman Manufacturing are “good to go” to have a tool that works. The growers in Texas and Idaho raising 20 inch corn and 22 inch sugar-beets are some of the first using these setback attachments and really liking their results.


This image is a brand new 12 row 22 inch machine in the Campbell Tractor shop ready to go to the field. The growers that have used this machine are very pleased with their strips after small grain and sugarbeets did well even with the tough, cold year of 2010 in Idaho. Please get in touch with an Orthman rep or Orthman dealer to give you the information regarding these attachments in a narrow row scenario. Strip-till protects from damaging winds in the Snake River region and less replanting of sugarbeets has to be done which means dollar savings.




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